kids on a fast track!

Now a days, I see most of us want our kids to achieve things much earlier than their age. be it academics or sports or digital games, everything is made available to them sooner that they really need, maybe!

I am not criticizing “early development”, I am known and criticized  for allowing my kid to explore videos and educative games on the ipad. But I guess this is just a side effect of having something at home. The mickey mouse or play doh videos are an extension to his learning atmosphere which do more good than harm. I have seen him learning quite a few new concepts in this playful way, that also improves his vocabulary and diction.

What I don’t admire is the race of exposing kids of 3-6 yrs of age to games like angry birds, temple run etc that involve crucial eye focus and hence poses a risk of damaging their developing eye muscles. Also, I don’t see much of learning in making the car or a man run crazy on a screen! Doesn’t it add to their anxieties? Maybe some bad dreams may be attached to these iconic games that have taken over our lives.

There are many educative games that we can play one to one with kids, allow them vehicles that make their body work hard like a cycle, scooter, any ride on. If iPad is a way of life even in your homes, try looking for educative games which are more fun and intriguing than the regular angry bird. I love Agnitus app way too much! Its in line with what I want my kid to learn, challenges him and then rewards him with compliments when he does the right thing. Then there are counting games by Disney, coloring of several characters and shapes, tangram (Chinese game involving shapes) and alphabet tracing, to name a few that I have religiously kept for my kid’s entertainment. These games keep his curiosity in place and give him the required learning for his age.

Then there are outdoor games like cycling, running, exploring the garden, learning about nature including sun, moon, plants, animals and birds. Just a short walk in a garden throws quite a few questions for an interesting evening.

Recently an acquaintance got a tri-cycle for her 3 year old son. Also a big car in which he can sit and roam around while a remote works in mumma’s hand. I also wanted the same car for my son but then I thought is it really worth spending so much on something that will only give him a high for few mins. There is no physical or mental exercise whatsoever. Why cannt he get this high on my bigger car when he sits behind the wheel and feel like he is driving! I am not the one to do any sort of rationing on the “Must haves” of my growing child. He keeps getting new toys every fortnight, but mostly ones that will add to his growing curiosity and answer a few 🙂

Having money should not make us a parent who is only giving things because a neighbour has it! Rather, we should focus on educating him in the best way with toys and books, make them understand the meaning of money and also make a sensitive human being who respects what he has and what others don’t.


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